25 years

Today I turned 25. As I close the first quarter of my life and begin a new one, I want to embark on a challenge that will encourage me to take more photographs. As I enter a new stage of life, I want to capture the significant moments that will define who I am 25 years from now at the half-way mark of my life.

I am very much looking forward to the challenge, as the ratio between production and production capability of photography as my hobby has been very low since I picked up my DSLR (i.e. the quality/quantity of images is low in comparison to the amount of resources I have committed to acquiring gears). The length of time I spend looking at the works of other photographers is disproportionate to the time I spend capturing images.  Over the next year, I want to restore the balance between the two and turn photography from a hobby into a habit.

I am currently reading Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and this post was in part inspired by his book. From the book, a quote by Aristotle stood out to me:
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Although I plan on photographing every day of my life for the next year, I do not expect to write a post every day for it will lack substance. I will, however, write a post on a weekly or semi-weekly basis to give update on the 365 Day Photo Challenge and to keep track of reflections and observations that will shape my future.

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